Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tulay Lingap ni Padre Pio

Colorful balloons for the kids
Working, us we all know is a job in where we are incorporated to ourselves and to a group of people where we can share our decisions, points of view and our attitudes. As we work and communicate with other people we build a community of persons helping each other to fulfill a dream and project that can help people in need.  Our steadfast dedication, come to know the validity and beauty of higher calling: to be MEN and WOMEN for OTHERS, constantly aspiring for excellence in all that we do.

The working committee
I’ve learned so many things in this group that unity, skilled workers, and dedicated people once put together in a job or project they communicate and strengthen the group to work together. Our group planned and strategized first the things that we have to do in order to get the work done early. After, the group came up with one unified task to be done: we formed a chain so as to facilitate the giving of food to the kids.
The people behind the feeding program

From this experience, I gained a lot of insights and learning’s about the dignity of work, the importance of perseverance in any attempt at achieving something worthwhile and meaningful in life; the value of teamwork in any group activity. Though this experience in Tulay Lingap ni Padre Pio was short, it contributed to seeing kids smiling. It gave me an insight into the plight of the poor who have nowhere to lay their heads. I was encouraged to treasure the little things I am blessed with and be contented with what I have. The spirit of sharing and giving was really evident among the group: each one shared his/her smile to those kids who were around.
There are so many things that I could do to build a community in the near future; first I should persevere to do this building, form a group to help people in need; start to engage myself to community building program; come up with creative ideas to make money--fund raising project to sponsor the program and encourage our government to help in the community. Spreading the word about the community program to promote it and increase more volunteers who are willing to help. This are my plans, but this plans will not be successful if me, myself won’t act for it, instead of only saying I’ll try, I will and it will start today.

At ang bida sa programa ang mga Bata:)


The Title is a bit confusing... learned from a movie I once watched alone, laughing hard...
We all know that in our lives we always wanted to become the hero of our own story. We never wanted to be the evil one, but always the good, because people are naturally good and the end goal is always to be a man of goodness. It is preferred that people are always remembered by the good deeds rather than the bad deeds they have done.  People would always look up to the hero rather than the villain. What really makes a hero and villain if ever I, myself would become one?
            I was once asked in a beauty contest, if I was to choose between the two characters in a movie, the hero or the villain, what would I be, and why? I have always put into my mind to be the hero, but in that competition I chose to be the villain not because I sought to be a bad person, but because I would like to uplift my personality from the shy type girl who is always been teased around, to the girl who’s ready to fight. I opt to have a strong personality who is ready to fight back and to face anyone without fear. It is a test for me to become a villain; since I have a very contradictory personality, a person who hates to fight even when people abused me of the compassion I show them. So as to why I always wanted to be the villain to experience the odd challenge that he brings to the hero.
            If I were to be a hero I would opt to become the “Good Guy”, for a straightforward reason that it is much better for a man to have a purpose in doing well. Our intentions and actions should always be balanced. If I desire to become a hero, it is for purpose and courage. To become a hero is not to uplift my name, because I have done well, but because my intentions are good and I have made my part, I have help a lot of people without asking for any reward and recognition.
            To become a villain is a challenging character, eloquent to all the oddness, evilness and wickedness he portrays is a difficult job to do, but if given the chance to be one I choose to be the anti-villain because I like the twist he portrays. An anti-villain has done bad deeds, actions, and behaviors, but for the intention of saving, rescuing and helping other people. I cannot really describe the twist and the challenge he shows. I neither would say he is good nor bad, because of its contradiction to what he illustrates and what would he give. He is a challenge for me to do bad actions just to help other people, because I may cause one person hate just to make one person happy.
            It defies who we really wanted to become in our own story, become the villain or become the hero. But what really makes a person happy is to be free of his own will and chooses what would really define his own characteristics in life. As persons, we may be the hero or the villain of our own life stories but it really depends on what we desire to choose that would help us to become better persons.